
From Drug Trafficker to Gospel Preacher

a conversation with Slice Penny

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Thanks to a mutual friend, I’ve been fortunate to have befriended a divinity student with a remarkable witness to the stubborn grace of God in Jesus Christ. Slice Penny is a third year student at Duke and a licensed pastor in the UMC. Be on the lookout for the sermon he’ll preach for me later this summer.

  • If you appreciate Slice’s story, leave a comment so he can show his Mom.

Show Notes


A story of redemption and transformation from a life of addiction and crime to faith and purpose. It covers the journey of a former drug dealer and addict who found his calling to become a pastor after a life-changing experience in prison and a spiritual awakening. This conversation covers the journey of Slice, a recovering drug addict and ex-convict, as he navigates his calling to become a minister. It explores his experiences in ministry, seminary, and the challenges he faces in being accepted by the church community. Slice story is one of redemption, faith, and the transformative power of grace.


  • The power of faith and spiritual transformation in overcoming addiction and finding purpose.

  • The impact of supportive mentors and spiritual guidance in the journey of redemption.

  • The importance of humility, grace, and forgiveness in the process of personal transformation.

  • The role of community and education in facilitating a path to a new life and purpose.

  • The significance of prayer and spiritual formation in the journey of faith and personal growth. Slyce's journey is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith and grace.

  • The challenges Slyce faces in being accepted by the church community highlight the need for inclusivity and open-mindedness within religious institutions.

  • Slyce's experiences in ministry and seminary shed light on the complexities of pursuing a calling in the face of personal struggles and societal judgment.

Sound Bites

  • "The risen Jesus is the only explanation for where in life you are right now."

  • "I gotta go back to school. I gotta go back to school and my body locked and I fell into the swimming pool, sank to the bottom."

  • "I brought you here so Ricky could get you through prison and you could get Ricky out of prison."

  • "I just kept feeling like God's called me to fight, but I'm like, I don't know how this is gonna work."

  • "I believe God was giving me the courage to step out on faith."

  • "What's it like to go from that isolating shame to just being the object of just pure pride?"

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