Thank you, Jason, for sharing this message from God to us. I continue to pray for you, partly out of selfishness, I suppose, because what you share with us is important to me. But I also pray because I care about what you experience. I pray because you are treasured by those whom you love and who love you. I am grateful for this message you have shared from the 23rd Psalm. I will have surgery in March because of prostate cancer. I have no reason to believe that the surgery will not clear me of cancer, and I am confident it will. So far, I do not believe my life is threatened. But I am grateful that whatever happens with me or you, we will always be safely in the care of our good Shepherd, our loving God, from whose love nothing can ever separate us.

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Your words always speak directly to my heart. I am going through a variety of issues with children and extended family and being confronted with how deeply my expectations run, how much I want things to go my way. God keeps reminding me that He’s not going to necessarily give me what I think I want, but it will be Good.

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