Another great conversation.

I understand the feelings people are having in general about the protests on universities. There are a lot of reasons students want to protest- and it being "easy" is not one of them. Several students have been assaulted and arrested, and now many schools are calling in the National Guard. One side of the media will show you footage of chaos (may be just one moment) and another shows Jewish and Arab students sharing a cedar meal in the university encampments. Being Jewish isn't easy. Being Palestinian is not easy! Imagine growing up and having to ALWAYS lead with I am a CHRISTIAN Palestinian, so people do not feel threatened by my mere presence. We are more alike than we are different, and the struggles of Jewish people and Palestinian people in the diaspora are much the same. Once we realize that and find our humanity, peace is possible.

Peace and love to all. Let's keep growing.

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Midway through the conversation, Jason asked a question I had which was related to the Rabbi's course he used to teach on anti-Semitism. I think Crackers & Grape Juice should facilitate such a course. I'd pay for it even.

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"People" don't like having their flaws aired in public for all to see. We prefer to maintain the appearance that everything is under control, we're all good people, nothing to see here. Thinking is hard, all of that time spent in reflection. Ain't nobody got time for that. It's much better to just accept what you're told. It saves time and effort, freeing the mind for important stuff like who's the hottest contestant on The Bachelor, who shot JR. There is a definite need for an anti-Semitism course. I'm not sure there is a will to study, reflect, and change.

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Thank you Rabbi Joseph and Jason. Peace to you both.

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Someone in that crowd picture mentioning something regarding Colin Powell. He's dead.

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