As citizens of an empire no less problematic than Babylon, we are all too possessed by corrupt habits to be able— much less trusted— to read the Bible on our own
Jason - I appreciated this sermon, as always. I also want to tell you that the opening line that we cannot be trusted to read the scripture on our own, has been deeply bothering me for weeks - and compounding with further related comments. I would love and appreciate the opportunity to work it out some time, some how. Are you engaging in this topic in any groups? I don’t want to waste your time in a one-on-one but perhaps in another way? Thanks, Christie
Jason - I appreciated this sermon, as always. I also want to tell you that the opening line that we cannot be trusted to read the scripture on our own, has been deeply bothering me for weeks - and compounding with further related comments. I would love and appreciate the opportunity to work it out some time, some how. Are you engaging in this topic in any groups? I don’t want to waste your time in a one-on-one but perhaps in another way? Thanks, Christie