I was troubled by part of this article--the part that talked of being a martyr. I know there are people out there who think that being a Christian means being a martyr and so they will purposely make themselves all the more offensive so that they can be a "martyr."

But obviously, that is not what this is about. It was educational and moving. Thank you.

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Prayer for the Crucified Cynic within me, that by God's grace, mercy, and indwelling Holy Spirit, that I am healed from the cancer of Cynicism that distracts and disrupts your Word within me, and thereby obstructs the ears of those thirsty for your Word to be declared, proclaimed, and manifested in our lives. Release me from the prison of poisonous people, who from their graves persist to plug-in their umbilical cords of cynicism and unresolved willful, rebellious dysfunctions. You are the vine, I am the branch, thereby protect me from perverted parents, professors, and priests filling pews with popular prose and incapable of living in Pentecost.

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