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I just came from visiting my mom, and we listened this AM to a sermon from someone who was very concerned that people understand that Jesus isn’t messing around, that He’s very clear that if we don’t believe in Him we’re going to hell, that we have to choose the narrow way OR ELSE. And I realized the reason that doesn’t sit right with me, all his proof texting aside, is that there is no love in that view of Jesus. He’s just waiting for us to stop believing or getting all our faith questions just right so He can chalk us up to the hell column. And then I came home and read your column and I thought that if this view, your view and the one I’ve come to believe, isn’t who God actually is, then I’d rather be wrong. It’s The Silver Chair, assuming you know Narnia. Anyway, thank you for sharing, I am always challenged and encouraged by your posts.

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