Jason- yet again your writings FORCE the reader to take a thorough reckoning of the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” ....of MY heart. I both eagerly anticipate your newsletter and dread it at the same time. I imagine I’m hearing what it was like to hear Amos or Isaiah or Jeremiah, or Jesus of Nazareth- and I pray I have “ears to hear.”

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The book of Psalms follows a well known formula: the first and the last ones are pretty good. But many of the ones in the middle are messed up. Could have used some editing. 😉

Oh, i love the visual of camels hurtling towards a needle's eye! Thank you.

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Thanks, Jason, for a shivering, freeing peak at us, together. Brother Martin also said, "Sin boldly, and trust God's more boldly still." Or something like that. (As an irrelevancy, but noting your comment about hymnals not including all the Psalms, I believe our ELCA "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" (ELW) does have them all. Now if we only paid attention.) And I'm not sure I'd be quite as specific as Willimon in identifying particular persons, worthy of attention as they may be. In any case, thanks again for continuing to stretch our perceptions of ourselves, but especially God and Gods' gracious reach.

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