All right I bought your book since you sort of defended me in California. By the way, Mama used to say I wasn’t just “other” I was “a whole nother”!
Good article although I wonder about the title. I’m not sure Vance’s beliefs can be distilled down to that although the people who dislike him certainly will do so. I’d say he’s suggesting that there’s a moral value to not ignoring filial and communal relationships in our efforts to love those we regard at the edges of our personal ambits.
And you Pastors know this sin well. How many times have we seen the Church leader who has given themselves wholly to the reaching of “the lost” while ignoring their own spouse and children? Think about the criticisms of the great heretic, Billy Graham, and how we judge him for failing to rightly order his affections.
That’s what Vance is talking about. It’s what Jesus did. And, as it turns out, it did land a cross on his back.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple...." Luke 14:26 Lex semper accusat.
All right I bought your book since you sort of defended me in California. By the way, Mama used to say I wasn’t just “other” I was “a whole nother”!
Good article although I wonder about the title. I’m not sure Vance’s beliefs can be distilled down to that although the people who dislike him certainly will do so. I’d say he’s suggesting that there’s a moral value to not ignoring filial and communal relationships in our efforts to love those we regard at the edges of our personal ambits.
And you Pastors know this sin well. How many times have we seen the Church leader who has given themselves wholly to the reaching of “the lost” while ignoring their own spouse and children? Think about the criticisms of the great heretic, Billy Graham, and how we judge him for failing to rightly order his affections.
That’s what Vance is talking about. It’s what Jesus did. And, as it turns out, it did land a cross on his back.
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple...." Luke 14:26 Lex semper accusat.