Sitemap - 2024 - Tamed Cynic
Time Will Run Out. Why the Meantime?
Politics: A game that is played in full and vigilant awareness of its relativity
The Saints are Not Our Way to Christ; Christ is Our Way to Them
Politics Tempts Us to Play God; What Sets the Saints Apart is their Readiness to Let God be God
And finally . . . ‘The Best High-Protein Diet’
"Only the Metaphysical Can Bless Us, Never the Historical"
“The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.”
"The Saints Are Those Who Know Their Sins"
The "Necessity" of Resurrection
The Freedom of the Prisoner of God
"Jesus Christ is Not a Standard by which I Can Judge Others."
"Weak is the Man who Allows Himself to be Pushed into a Position from which He Judges Others"
The Eschatology of Individuals
The Incongruous Gift is Strongly Obliging
We Cannot Take His Word about the First Being Last and the Last First as His Last Word to Us
Selling All His Stuff Would Not Have Been the Last Law
Mortal Goods: Reimagining Christian Political Duty
The Two Kingdoms as Gospel Correlative
What the Therefore is There For
He Intends It to be a Word that Impinges on Our Existence
The Little Word that Turns the Cosmos
Predestination is Not Speculative; It is Spoken
God is the Presupposition of Both Himself and Humanity
Luther and the Gospel: The Gospel as Sacrament
Your Yes to God Demands Your No
Why Did the World Not Burst Into Flame at the First Pentecost?
The Church: A Guide to the People of God
Jesus is the Blaze that Did Not Burn Up the Bush Before Moses in the Desert
On Not Giving Politics the Last Word
“Our expressed opinion is an essential pole of the process of God’s decision-making”
Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right
Jesus' Breath is the Arrow of Time
When Scripture Speaks of Saving Faith, It’s Faith from Someone
"The Facts are Far Outweighed by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ"
"We Remain at a Plateau of Horror"
It is Better to Risk Preaching Too Much Gospel
"While Hungering God, They Perceive that They are Creatures"
The Spirit is the Tensive Point Between the Future and Present
In the End of All Things is Their Beginning
He Chose the Malefactor's Cross as His Throne
On the Infernalists's Free Will Defense of Eternal Hell
There Is A Spirit Afoot Who Has No Self
Luther and the Gospel: What to Look for in the Gospels
Hell for some would be Hell for all.
The Gospel is the Opposite of the Hippocratic Oath
A Few Quotes on the Allness of Salvation
Luther and the Gospel: Two Kinds of Righteousness
Grasp This...It Will Lift You Up to Heaven
No Adventures in Barth Tonight
Jesus Christ is the Will of God
How Does Faith Make Us Righteous?
Justification By Unbelief Alone
The Gospel is a Promise whose Speaker is Good on his Word.
The Gospel Always Comes Before the Law
No One is an Enemy of God: On Romans
Paul's Big But and the Life of Faith
Something has Happened that has Changed Everything for Everyone for Always
Robert Jenson's Last Interview
As He Became Christ, So We Become Christians
“I Don’t Know if God is the Devil or the Devil is God.”
"The Lectionary is Designed to Protect the Church from Idiot Preachers"
Preaching is Possible Only as a Summary of the Doctrine of the Trinity
Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement
The Gospel is Jesus Happening to Us
In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit- Mother of us all
How to Read the Good Book Well
Paul Zahl on the Generous Genius of Jürgen Moltmann
The Problem with Salvation as Process
Historical Faith vs. Lively Faith
Stick to Handing Over the Goods
Remembering Jürgen Moltmann: Part Two
God's Two Hands are Different Hands
The Political Correlatives to Radical Grace
On Illiberalism and Litmus Tests
Q: Are God and his love not active outside the church?
Christians Must Be Christians Inside and Outside the Church
To Know the Ten Commandments is to Know the Entire Scriptures
From Drug Trafficker to Gospel Preacher
"Renunciation of violence can never be the calling of all"
The Moral Claim in the Triune Name
The War Against the Jewish Story
Woe to the Church Who Speaks of Jesus in the Past Tense
God is Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Q: How has God shown his love for us?
The Arrow of Time is Jesus’s Breath
What Do Our Prayers Sound Like to God?
The Fire and the Cloud: A Biblical Christology
Our Sin is Behind Us Because Christ is Before Us
The Holy Spirit as the Transfiguring Power of the Future
"What you believe about Jesus is your politics"
Q: What do we mean that God is love?
Preaching as Protest against the Apophatic Silencing of God’s People
Q: Doesn’t the doctrine of predestination raise questions about God’s goodness?
Adventures in Barth: The Barmen Declaration
Where was the Risen Jesus In Between His Easter Appearances?
What Students Read Before They Protest
Adverbs are Spiritual Quicksand
Oprah Isn't Bringing You a Casserole
Q: Does the One-Way Love of God Necessarily Entail Predestination? A: Sorry, yes
"Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem because if it's only a Jewish problem, it has no solution"
Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism
There is Salvation in No One Else
Learning the Creed with Karl Barth
Is a Divine Jesus a Pretend Jew?
The Resurrection is Not a Solution to the Problem of Death
At Once Justified and a Doubter
Easter Faith is All About the Adverb
Where Did the Risen Jesus's Body God?
God Shows Up Under the Sign of his Opposite
What Was Jesus Doing When He Was Dead?
In Jesus's Death, the Judas in Judas Died
Good Friday Forever Settles God's Identity
The Tomb is Not Empty; It's Full
The Father's Faithfulness to his Faithful Son
Meeting One Another at a Shared Text
The Devil is Too Laughable to be Taken Seriously
What is the Gospel Meant to Do to Its Hearers?
He Came Preaching the Pardon of God
The Promise at the Parting of the Waters
Squeamish about the Bible’s Blood Speak?
Unpacking the Bible Belt Baggage of "You Must be Born Again"
Father Abraham was an Immigrant
God’s Grace in Christ isn’t Cheap
Your Future is Christ’s to Give One Another
Learning the Creed with Karl Barth
There is No Reward for Your Virtue
The End of Civility: Christ and Prophetic Division
The Return of the Big Lie: Anti-Semitism is Winning
Justification is the Reverse of Predestination
How Does Faith Make Us Righteous?
Listen Again to the Song at the Cross
The Uncreated Light of God has been Seen
If the Devil Won the Test, the World Would Not Be
What If Jesus HAD Made Bread from Stones?
Lenten Study with Rabbi Joseph Edelheit
The Glory of God Versus the Adversary
The Way Down the Mount of Transfiguration is Almost Always a Descent into Moralism
Learning the Creed with Karl Barth
Nine Exhortations for Preachers
The Scandal of the Scandal of Particularity
Learning the Creed with Karl Barth
The Darth Vader of the Hebrew Bible
“The Unseen But Ever-Present God”
St. Augustine's Theology of Preaching
The Problem with a Living, Loquacious God
I Know Jesus is Risen Because I've Met Him
What is Worthy of Your Finitude?
"Fishers of Men" is Better Than "Fish for People"
“Something Impossible for Unaided Humanity”
The Dangerous Lure of Hot Takes
The LORD Speaks by No Other Word But Jesus
Seven Ways of Looking at the Transfiguration
Living the (Correct) Questions
Top Theology Books 2023, Radio Sermon, & Fleming Rutledge Study